Shredded Goose & Shrimp Sandwich

Happy Wednesday guys! The recipe of the day is Shredded Goose & Shrimp Sandwich!

Shredded Goose & Shrimp Sandwich

Let me tell you, these sandwiches are absolutely amazing, not really on the healthy side, but definitely worth every single bite. They’re in my top 10 comfort food list. I just love sandwiches like these – loaded with lots of cheese, fresh and crunchy salad, shrimp and tasty goose!

I would’ve probably used the goose only but then I found some shrimp hidden in my fridge and really felt like having shrimp. So I decided to combine goose and shrimp in this succulent sandwich. What a great idea it was! 🙂 I buttered the bread and made it nice and crunchy. All the ingredients though are quite filling so a half of these was more than enough for me. Well, I saved my other half for the next day. 🙂 And of course I ate these beauties with lots of hot sauce. For some reason, I always use hot sauce on shrimp and meat. It jus goes perfect – spicy and simply delicious!

Shredded Goose & Shrimp Sandwich

I rarely make roasted goose but it’s definitely one of my favourite food to roast. 🙂 I mean, it’s so juicy and scrumptious and just irresistible. I used lots and lots of spices and some clementines that I used to stuff it and it turned so aromatic and bursting with flavour. The meat is soft and quite fatty, but that makes it super yummy. Oh, and a quick tip – save the goose fat! It makes wonders when added in your recipes. Try some roast pots with goose fat and you’ll know what I mean.

My point was, I actually used leftovers from the goose I had made. I also use these in pasta, wraps and salads. Goose is absolutely lovely! 🙂

Shredded Goose & Shrimp Sandwich

Well, after that feast, you’ll probably need a good workout but it is all worth it! And I’d like to think this way – I’m actually burning calories while cooking so a delicious meal is well deserved. 🙂 Especially after a long and exhausting week! So why not make these like your perfect weekend treat! We all deserve it. 🙂 After all, you need some energy for the busy week ahead. 🙂

Shredded Goose & Shrimp Sandwich

Here’s how to make the Shredded Goose & Shrimp Sandwiches.

Shredded Goose & Shrimp Sandwich
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 15
  • 150g shrimp, cooked
  • 100g goose, cooked and shredded
  • 150g Mozzarella cheese, grated
  • 100g Mild Cheddar cheese, grated
  • 4 bread slices
  • fresh salad leaves
  • 2tbsp garlic sauce/mayo
  • 1tbsp butter
  1. In a heated pan with butter, place the bread slices and cook for a minute or two on each side until golden and crispy.
  2. Add a bit of garlic sauce or mayo on each slice and then add the shredded goose and shrimp, dividing it equally between the two slices of the slices. Add the grated cheese and place in the oven or microwave to melt the cheese(I used the microwave and it worked fine).
  3. Arrange some salad leaves on top and close the sandwich with another slice of bread. Cut in half and serve with some hot sauce.!


Shredded Goose & Shrimp Sandwich